Summer Solstice 2023

In this article I discuss the astrological energies (True Sidereal Astrology) at play on the day of the Summer Solstice as well as ideas to ritualise the day in your own way so that you can harness the most out of this powerful solar energy!

On the 21st June, the Sun will be exactly at its highest point on the equator along our annual journey and it will be the longest day of the year for those in the Northern Hemisphere on Earth (For those in the Southern Hemisphere it will be the Winter Solstice and shortest day of the year). The Sun will also be moving into the sign of Gemini, as seen by looking up at the living sky and the true cosmic alignment.

This time of the solar journey has been celebrated all over the world since ancient times. Ancient cultures all over the world have celebrated this solar event because they were tapped into the knowing of how the sun is closely interlinked with the light, dark and our consciousness.

The summer solstice is an incredibly powerful and sacred time as the veil between this physical world and other dimensions are extremely thin. For 3 days before and 3 days after the peak of the Solstice we are more sensitive and can feel more in tune with the energies and dimensions around us.

Sun entering the constellation of Gemini on the Solstice

Numerology: 7

Date of the Solstice: 2+1+6+2+2+3=16=7


  • Neptune
  • Intuition
  • Spirituality
  • Universal Love
  • Deep contemplation
  • Dreams
  • Imagination

Corresponding Tarot Card: The Chariot


  • Forward motion
  • Inspiration from the Universe
  • Courage
  • Will Power
  • Determination
  • Liberation
  • On track

Keep an eye out for synchornisities around these keywords and how they show up in your life to bring you deeper realisations and lessons.

True Sidereal Astrology

Happy Gemini Season!

The Sun enters the constellation of the twins, marking the beginning of Gemini season. For the next month, we can expect more themes around communication, mental processing, fresh ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, information, perception, duality, siblings, neighbours, learning and even teaching. It’s also a time to take more care of our nervous system as mental anxieties, overthinking and nervousness could be heightened. Regularly connect with your breath everyday to bring in fresh air to relax your nerves.

Big Taurus Energy

To gain a deeper overall energetic innerstanding of the Gemini Summer solstice we must look to where Mercury is residing, the ruler of Gemini. Mercury is in Taurus, making Taurean themes in the collective psyche very significant now, especially as the last two new moons were also in the Taurus constellation.

There is a strong pattern of Taurean themes around self-worth, self-value, resources and Mother Nature largely being called to our awareness now.

We are being invited with the strong energies of the solstice to connect and communicate (Gemini/Mercury) with all of Nature including our own physical bodies (Taurus) to bring about more healing for Gaia/Sophia and ourselves.

Bring awareness to your physical body. What is your body communicating with you? What thoughts do you regularly think about your physical body? Observe your thoughts without judgement to see if they are harmonious or disharmonious.

Set the intention this Solstice to discover and liberate whatever is stored in your body. We can more easily let go of the things we are holding onto, tap into our soul’s history and unlock higher codes of consciousness within our DNA.

Protect Your Health

It is important to protect ourselves from the increase in chemtrails around the solstice. This is done purposefully by the matrix to try and block out the sun and its powerful light codes! Try not to give them too much attention and know that the matrix does this because they are afraid of us harnessing our true power with nature and coming into our own soverignty.

Luckily nature has the remedies for these toxins and toxic heavy metals so try to consume more of these listed below to help with the cleansing: Turmeric, artichoke, cilantro, seaweed (Atlantic dulse), spirulina, chollera, lemon water, garlic, chia seeds, dandelion root, milk thistle, beetroot, basil, wild blueberries, zeolite, sacred snuff (rapé).


Sun Square Neptune in Pisces

Insecurities and false perceptions around self-worth may be coming to the surface. This energy could manifest as comparison and looking for validation in the external world to verify and soothe the internal world. As well as increasing sensitivity to the energies and influences of those around us.

It is beneficial to go inwards with this energy to expand your awareness but just watch out for losing yourself in the ego and believing the inner illusions of self. Channel any internal tensions through creativity to activate the imagination as this will be very beneficial to help ease the tensions with Neptune.

Sun Trine Saturn (R) in Aquarius

Saturn retrograde trine the Sun brings harmonious energy to take responsibility for past actions and find a new level of maturity within the collective consciousness.

It will be easier now to restructure anything that has been unstable in your life and reassess your boundaries with others. It would also be a good time to reflect on lessons that repeat and how you have grown in regards to Aquarian themes.

Mars in Leo Square Uranus in Aries

This is a very Firey square. The dynamic between these two planets could mean facing external struggles, you could be confronted or asked to change something you do not want to. There may be more impateince, unpredictable behaviour/anger and feeling like you have to fight for your way of being. Anger could even be massively bottled up due to fears of expressing ‘unconventional’ anger. Basically this is a super triggering energy!

Find ways to release your inner tensions and anger in healthy ways. If you find it difficult to control your emotions then try to go easy on yourself and know that these planets are helping you to bring out unhealed aspects within your psyche so that they can be made conscious and loved by you (solar energy).

Personal ways to release excess Mars energy can be found in the sign and house that Mars resides in your own chart and the element of the sign will help too. For example, my Mars is in Cancer in the 1st House. So to ease Mars tension within, journaling my emotions (water) and connecting to the inner mother within (Cancer) helps me to gain more self-awareness (1st house) harmonising my Mars energy.

Where in your chart is the transiting sun? See what house the first degrees of Gemini resides. This will give you more insight into what areas of your life would benefit the most from this energy. If you have not used the True Sidereal System before then you can generate a free chart off of this website.
True Sidereal Astro Chart of the time of the Summer Solstice which matches up to astronomy and the celestial sky.

Ritual Ideas

The Solstice is a time to celebrate the sun, appreciate life and vitality in ways that are personal to you. Do the things that give you life and vitality. Especially those things that correspond to fire, the Sun, Gemini and Taurus. Ritualise the day in whatever way feels aligned for you 🙂

  • Say hi to the Sun, see if you can connect with its consciousness
  • Gratitude for the Sun giving life and helping us to open up and illuminate parts of ourselves
  • Solar Magick
  • Fire Magick
  • Lighting candles (any colour)
  • Healing
  • Grounding
  • Plant Medicine
  • Gardening
  • Drinking Sun Tea
  • Sungazing
  • Sunbathing
  • Yoga Sun Salutations
  • Pranayama
  • Offerings to Gaia
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Creative Self-expression
  • Listening to uplifting music
  • Cooking with sun/fire corresponding foods/herbs
  • Reflect on life and growth
  • Journaling
  • Planning
  • Tarot/Oracle reading
  • Setting intentions for the rest of the year
  • Visualisations
  • Meditation
  • Visiting a Sacred site
  • Hiking/Pilgrimage
  • Out of body experiences/Astral Travel
  • Celebrating with friends/family
  • Communicating with nature and Gaia/Sophia
  • Training Psychic/extrasensory abilities
  • Anything that expands your heart and Torus field

Plants & Herbs Sun Correspondences: Acacia, Angelica, Ash, Bay Laurel, Cashew, Chamomile, Chicory, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Ginseng, Hazel, Juniper, Lime, Marigold, Mistletoe, Oak, Olive, Orange, Palm, Pineapple, Rice, Rosemary, Saffron, St. John’s Wort, Sandalwood, Sesame, Sunflower, Tangerine, Walnut

Crystals: Amber, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Citrine, Smokey Quartz.

Time to Shine Bright!

The solstice is a time for celebration and it would be very potent to do the things that give you life force energy.

We are being guided to reflect on the things that light up our hearts and recharge our soul. The solar energies help us to realise what is important and what we truly want to spend our time focusing on.

The June Solstice is the start of the season of the light, the Summer! Put yourself out there, carry your fears forward with you if you have to and to allow yourself to shine bright!

No more holding yourself back, no more playing small. The time has come for you to leap forward and celebrate the true essence of who you are!

If you are interested in knowing more about True Sidereal Astrology then check out my article about it here!

I also offer empowering True Sidereal Astrological Chart readings where I bring conscious awareness to the codes from the matrix that hold you back and the codes that come from your soul to help you align to your Dharmic path of soverignty.

The 7 Laws of The Universe Hidden in The High Priestess

The High Priestess is the Divine Feminine archetype who points us in the direction of our Spirit and the universe. She represents the subconscious, intuition, psychic receptivity, sacred knowledge, the moon and the divine feminine aspects of creation. She sits at the gateway to the infinite mind ready to teach us the deeper mysteries of life.  

We will be focusing on the Waite-Smith version of the High Priestess. This picture is full of deep, subtle imagery. For example, a waxing crescent moon resides at her left foot symbolising that the subconscious serves her and her energy expresses increasing growth and creativity. Ingeniously, in the image of the High Priestess contains the 7 laws of the universe from Hermeticism.

The 7 laws of the universe form the foundation of Hermeticism which is an ancient spiritual and magical philosophy founded by a famed wizard and sage known as Hermes Trismegistus (ancient Greece) or Thoth (ancient Egypt). These laws are all deeply interconnected with one another and describe the nature of our reality that spans across space and time. The laws form the basics of who you are in the reality in which you exist and they can be applied to your life to enhance your level of consciousness.


“The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.” – The Kybalion

1. Law of Mentalism

‘All is mind. The Universe is mental.’ – The Kybalion

The universe exists within the infinite mind. Everything is Spirit which is a pure, intelligent and conscious field of awareness and energy that does not have any limits, bounds or restrictions. You have spirit within you and so anything is possible as there is no limit to creation. The law of mentalism refers to your mental processes affecting your everyday experiences because everything is governed by the power of your mind.

In the High Priestess imagery, her outer blue robe flows down like a waterfall beyond the border of the card. This represents an important concept in Tarot known as the ‘Stream of Consciousness’ which flows through whole the deck. She is the original source of all the water in all other cards and her robe symbolises this prima materia/root of all matter. She teaches us that Spirit is in everything and everything is Spirit.

How to apply this law:

  1. Learn to observe and be more conscious of your thoughts. Thoughts are extremely powerful and manifest your reality every single day. You can get better at being aware of your thoughts through meditation and spending more time in solitude.
  2. Regularly use your will and mental power to connect to your Spirit, manifest, imagine, visualise and reach other planes of existence. This will expand your level of consciousness by connecting you with the infinite mind.
  3. Learn to feel your energy beyond the physical, feel and experience the Spirit/infinite mind moving through you.
  4. Practise creating a ball of energy between your hands. Relax your breathing, loosen up your nervous system so more energy is able to flow through you and feel the heat/pressure/magnetism between your hands. This energy is pure magic and Spirit and you can learn to channel it out of your own finger tips! You can then send your thoughts of intention into the ball of energy for healing/ protection/ clarity/ manifestation/ anything that you want. The infinite mind is magic and so are you!

2. Law of Correspondence

“As above, so below; as below, so above.”- The Kybalion

Everything mirrors everything else. Everything is connected on all planes of existence. The macrocosm is found in the microcosm and vice versa. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. An example of the manifestation of this law would be the weather and mood. Also, foods from the Earth that look similar to the body parts they benefit. Carrots and eyes, walnuts and the brain, avocados and the womb etc.

In the High Priestess, an equal arm cross can be seen on her chest. This symbolises the balance of the above spiritual plane and below physical planes being in correspondence to one another. The equal arm cross represents stability, the sum total of all there is, and it’s a universal symbol of serenity. She is the keeper of secrets and mysteries and the cross is over her heart which suggests that she herself divinely embodies and protects these laws. The hearts electromagnetism powers the Torus field suggesting she uses these laws for great power to expand her own energy which is magic and pure Spirit.

How to apply this law:

  1. Combine with the law of mentalism as these two laws both apply to the manifestation of your internal world which gets projected outwards into your external reality.
  2. Shift/rewrite your mind set and attitude. Whenever a negative thought occurs from limiting beliefs know that this is part of an ego script that you can choose to rewrite. Belief plays a huge part in your reality. Believe that you can connect to Spirit in yourself and the infinite mind. Your connection with Spirit is determined by your will power. Positive thoughts and actions attract positive experiences and negative thoughts and actions attract negative actions.
  3. Practice gratitude and positivity. Be appreciative for life and the things you want to manifest as through the law of correspondence will bring to you more of what you are appreciative of. The infinite mind is in a constant state of abundance and love so when you can embody this frequency within you can create the life that you want to live full of abundance.
  4. Be conscious of your actions and interactions with others as this law dictates that the energy you put out into the world gets returned back to you.

3. Law of Vibration

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”- The Kybalion

The law of vibration is the third law of Hermeticism. Everything in existence is in a constant state of motion and vibrates at a certain frequency, including ourselves. Each individual has their own specific vibrational frequency which they can choose to adjust. The vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest- just as a fast moving car wheel seems to be motionless.

In the High Priestess, this law is symbolised by the flowing waves of her robes. They almost appear to be vibrating, reflecting her own vibrating energy field. She is showing us that everything is alive and in motion.

How to apply this law:

  1. Do things that you know will raise your vibration every day. See my article 8 Powerful Ways to Raise your Vibration.
  2. Observe other people and things that show up in your life. By this law, you will come into contact with those that are at a similar vibration to you. This will help you to learn more about yourself on a deeper level. For example, something you dislike in someone is really just a vibrational match to something within yourself that you dislike and reject.
  3. By applying the first two laws to help you, you now know you have the power to control your vibration which will affect the rest of your reality. You become a magician when you can shift the vibration of your reality with your consciousness.


4. Law of Polarity

 “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”- The Kybalion.

The law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite, one cannot exist without the other because they are really the same thing just differing in degree. Hot and cold, light and dark, left and right, up and down, black and white etc. All are two sides of the same coin. The law of polarity can be seen manifested in the building blocks of all matter which have within them positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons.

In the imagery of the High Priestess, the law of polarity is signified by the two pillars, one white and one black. The letters ‘B’ and ‘J’ stands for Boaz and Jachin which are the names of the two pillars that stood at the entrance to Solomon’s Temple. In Kabbalah, Solomon’s Temple symbolises the metaphysical world and the descending light of the creator through the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. On the Tree of Life are three pillars, the Middle Pillar and on either side are the polar/opposite pillars; the Pillar of Severity and the Pillar of Mercy. The High Priestess is the Middle pillar on the Tree of Life. She shows us the constant flow of polar energies in our lives, teaches us neutrality and how to master the law of polarity by becoming the pillar between the pillars of polarity.

How to apply this law:

  1. Regularly practice Shadow Work to integrate both the dark and the light aspects of yourself. This is inner alchemy. See my article How to do Shadow work for more guidance on this.
  2. Be more conscious of your choices and perspectives. Your focus and attention will determine which side of the spectrum you will experience, positive or negative.
  3. Learn to see more each side of the polarity in every situation. Know that there is even polarity within each side of polarity too!

5. Law of Rhythm

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”- The Kybalion

The Law of Rhythm states that the energy in the universe is like a pendulum. Everything in existence partakes in a dance, flowing and swinging back and forth. This law can be seen in nature where every living organism goes through cycles, including the Earth herself. 

The High Priestess shows us this law with her crown which depicts the phases of the moon. The Moon goes through its own rhythm of waxing, waning and being full or new. The crown is from the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis who was the original High Priestess. Isis was known to teach women how to harness the cycles of nature. The lunar symbolism in the crown is also a special sign of the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone) in Paganism. This reflects the Divine Feminine energy that flows through her from her crown (Kether).

In the imagery of the card the pomegranates on the veil are arranged in the Tree of Life pattern. The horns of the waxing and waning moons of her crown are touching the two pomegranates of the top supernal triad on the tree. This show us that by sovereignly embodying the law of rhythm, the High Priestess is connected to the celestial realms.

How to embody this law:

1. Spend time observing nature. Learn to attune yourself to the natural rhythms of Gaia. This will help you to connect more with her as well as your own internal rhythms. Wake up at sunrise, wind down for the day at sunset, for example.

2. Learn to embrace the ebb and flow of life. Know that there will always be ups and downs, trials and wins. Know that you need rest just as much as you need to get things done.

6. Law of Cause and Effect

“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”- The Kybalion

The sixth principle of Hermeticism is the law of cause and effect. This law teaches us that nothing happens by chance, that everything has its cause. You reap what you sow. If you throw an object upwards it will fall back to the Earth because of gravity.

The law of cause and effect is symbolised by the scroll held in the lap of the High Priestess. The scroll is a record of all the things in your soul blueprint, every thought, emotion, word and action and how these effect the course of your life. At the top of the scroll is written ‘TORA’ which means divine law and relates to the laws that operate our universe in the physical and spiritual planes. The letters in ‘TORA’ can be rearranged to make a sentence that states the divine purpose of Tarot; ‘ROTA TARO ORAT TORA ATOR’– the wheel of Tarot speaks the laws of nature.

How to apply this law to your life:

1. Be more conscious of everything you do, your thoughts, emotions, words and actions as these all create ripple effects in your reality according to the law of cause and effect.

2. Do things to increase your level of consciousness so that you become a causer instead of an effect. There are many energies at play in this game of life that want to carry you along, be obedient to their wills and desires to gain power over you and move you around like pawns. When you can rise above these energies you become a mover and help to play the game of life by taking back your mind and being in charge of your life, emotions, powers and the environment around you.

7. Law of Gender

“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”

The law of gender states that there is masculine and feminine energy in everything in existence and creation is not possible without this law. Masculine energy involves action, logic, decisiveness, reasoning, goals, achievements, electricity, understanding, wisdom and growth. Feminine energy is related to beauty, intuition, empathy, magnetism, emotion, feeling, healing, nurturing, creativity and receptivity.

What causes manifestation of all matter is the thoughts of the infinite mind. In Tarot, while the Magician represents the conscious, divine masculine part of this universal mind, the High Priestess embodies the subconscious, divine feminine part of this mind. Tarot teaches us that the Magician uses his active will and concentration to plant seeds of intention for manifestation and the High Priestess is receptive to these and gives birth to the seeds that he plants in her.

The High Priestess shows us the law of gender through the symbolism of the pomegranates which represent feminine sexuality and palm leaves which represent masculine sexuality. By law both masculine and feminine energies are necessary for creation itself. She teaches us to balance these energies within ourselves to become the middle pillar and create the life that we desire.

How to embody this law:

  1. Learn to balance the masculine and feminine energies within the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Are your activities and practices balanced according to this law?
  2. Feel into, strengthen and meditate on your own divine masculine and feminine qualities.
  3. Be careful what you feed your subconscious mind. You want to impregnate your subconscious mind with the power of positivity from your conscious mind to create a more positive and happy life for yourself.

The 7 laws are deeply intertwined and built on one another. It can take some time to really grasp them fully as well as embodying them into your life. Work with the archetype of the High Priestess to get yourself attuned to and connected to these laws. Each time you visit a law you will innerstand it more and how it applies to your reality on a deeper level. (If you want to learn more about these 7 laws then check out the book, ‘The Kybalion’ by Hermes Trismegistus as this describes them profoundly in deep detail. Here is a link to the audiobook.)

Through meditation, tune into the High Priestess and feel into these mysteries that she teaches and embodies. She shows you to connect to your Spirit and go deep within to bring awareness to your unconscious, awaken your intuition, inner knowing and innerstand what you really want manifest for yourself in this reality.

You are the creator of your reality and so you must take responsibility for yourself, your path, your life and not blame others. These laws will help you to master your mind and your power so that external factors cannot influence you. As you start applying these universal laws and gain a birds eye view of your life experience, you consciously unlock limitless potential and infinite possibilities by aligning to the infinite mind.

8 Powerful Ways to Raise your Vibration

Here are 8 methods I implement in my own life that help keep my energy and vibration high. If you can do these 8 things everyday then you will quickly raise your frequency and consciousness overall.

1. Connect to Nature

Spend time with Mother Gaia everyday for as long as you can! The more time you are outside in nature the more connected you will be to yourself and to Gaia. She is our TRUE home and is our energy source and fuel of bioelectricity which is necessary for the functioning of life. She emits many healing frequencies and helps to balance our mind, body and soul. She will help you to ground and enhance your own magnetic field.

Trees emit a very powerful frequency that interacts with our own energy field and enhances our vibration. Tap into the trees to gain wisdom, they all have their own unique personalities and cute bonds with neighbouring trees. I highly recommend sitting by a tree and connecting to the trees as much as you can, no matter the weather. They always help me realign back to myself on such a deep level. I love sitting by a tree the most at night just chilling under the stars, it’s so peaceful! You’ll find that they are incredibly soothing, uplifting, grounding and healing.

When you show up everyday and you prove to Gaia that you are devoted and want to connect and learn more about the universe, she will show you things to help guide you to where you need to be. However, it is not all so one sided. We as individuals can help Gaia too. She is being abused, raped and unloved by those who are disconnected from her and themselves. She is super angry and very upset with the way she is being treated. We can consciously send out and emit healing frequencies to her and try to live in as much harmony with her as we can. Ask her what you can do to help her. Even just showing her gratitude and appreciation is enough to send out waves of healing and also to show her that you care.

We are all a part of Mother Gaia so when you connect to her you connect to yourself and the rest of the world.

2. Meditate

Meditating connects us to the infinite stillness and energy of our soul, the essence of who we truly are. In meditation we can learn to become the observer where we observe the ego and our thoughts with no reactions or judgement and be consciously aware of where we are really at.

There are 1000s of scientific studies which have proven numerous health benefits of meditation. Such as, reduced anxiety, depression, stress and burnout and increased empathy, overall physical and mental wellbeing, enhanced creativity and concentration levels. It will help relax your body and mind from things in your life that bring your vibration down.

I recommend at least 1 hour a day of meditation to get the impressive benefits. If you can go outside into nature and meditate then that will have an even more powerful effect on your energy field.

For me currently, it takes about 25 minutes to truly still my mind during meditation because in that time my thoughts/ego are feeding me information about my past, my experiences, anxieties about the future, insecurities, beliefs I have about myself, plans for the day. However, depending on what I am going through, some days, being at peace within during meditation can take a longer or shorter amount of time than usual.

Meditation is a skill to learn to observe the ego from the state of the soul without getting carried away by the internal chatter or identifying too much with the ego. Meditation will relax your brainwaves and get you more in tune with your true nature which is a high vibrational light being!

3. A High Vibrational Diet

The food you consume has a massive impact on your own energy field as it is digested and used to build all the new regenerating cells and tissues etc in your body. From my own experience, a plant based diet is very effective for keeping a high frequency. This is because everything in existence is energy. Meat and dairy mostly carries very heavy, low vibrational energy from the fear, suffering and abuse that the animals tend to endure. So when you consume them you are basically implanting that energy into your own energy field.

Eat organic, non-GMO foods where you can. Non-organic and GMO produce tends to be covered with and contain toxic pesticides which pollute your body. GMOs mess with your DNA and are well known to cause cancer. Growing your own fruit and vegetables will be an even higher vibration than organic as you will get to rear them with the energy of your own love and care. Foraging wild plants will also carry a high vibration as they have been tended to by Mother Nature in their natural happy home.

Check the labels. Make sure you check every single label of every single thing you consume. Some things are marketed as organic and ‘healthy’ but if you check the ingredients list there are low vibrational chemicals that have been added. For example, oat milk with added calcium seems good but in reality the calcium that gets added, calcium carbonate/calcium phosphate/dicalcium phosphate, is synthetic and will calcify your pineal gland! Synthetic calcium is also found in bread, baking powder and many other supermarket products. Another sneaky marketing trick is ‘Natural Flavouring’. Natural flavouring is super shady. This is an umbrella term for 1000s of different chemicals which have not all been thoroughly tested for human consumption, there is nothing natural about it! These are just a couple of examples out of many that exist out there on the supermarket shelves. If you see an ingredient you are unsure of, look up how safe it is for human health. In my experience, 9/10 of the searches come back as unsafe/causes cancer. Your shopping trip may take longer than usual but once you know what foods are real you’ll be a pro at detecting the poison! Avoid processed foods altogether.

Basically, from what I have found most products in the supermarkets are DEAD and void of any light. This is a purposeful mass scale agenda but I will not be getting into that for the sake of this article! If you are interested in what’s really in your food then you can look into it for yourself to find the truth. You want to be consuming organic things that come straight from Mother Gaia herself as these carry the most light.

Kirlian Photography captures the electric field of organic and comercially grown mushroom

Filtered Water. When I started drinking pure water I dramatically felt an increase in my vibration. There so are many toxins, pollutants, heavy metals and nasty chemicals such as fluoride and bleach that are present in tap water. I would suggest getting a water filter that filters out EVERYTHING and then filtering that through a mineral filter or add minerals to it after. It is so important to add minerals to the water otherwise when you consume it without, the water will take and deplete those vital minerals in your own body. We want our water to be giving us life force energy not depleting it.

Cut down on or remove completely processed sugar, gluten, caffeine, tobacco/nicotine and alcohol. These substances are highly addictive and seriously detrimental to your energy field. They are not compatible for the human body and they cause adverse effects. Furthermore, addiction itself lowers your vibration because it makes you a slave to a substance which is seeking something external to who you truly are.

Processed sugar is almost in everything and is super addictive! It robs your body and soul of energy. Your liver has to work overtime to filter out the toxicity from the processed sugar in your blood. So it’s a proper energy drainer. Giving up sugar is not easy because it is more addictive than crack cocaine! When I gave up sugar I was cracking out for 3 days straight but then after a week I did not miss it nor its energy draining effects! Plus I started finding way more exciting, healthier and energy boosting sweet alternatives. Sugar is the drug that never really gets talked about because most people are addicted to it in this moment in time.

A gluten-free diet has been shown by research to be effective in reducing symptoms related to many different health conditions as well as preventing certain diseases too. The human digestive system has not evolved to digest the big grain proteins that are common in the modern diet. These grains are farmed on a mass scale and usually are covered in pesticides which could be a reason why so many more people are becoming intolerant. Gluten has also been found to have opiod effects on the brain making it craveable and addictive.

Gluten is something that I had to cut out because it was making me feel so fatigued and depressed as well as giving me intense headaches! If you do not have any adverse effects to gluten then try to cut it out for a month and observe your energy levels. You may find that when your tolerance is low that your sensitivity to it increases.

Caffeine stimulates your adrenal glands which are connected to your solar plexus, the centre of power and confidence. The adrenal glands are activated by caffeine and pump out stress hormones to your whole body as well as deoxygenating your brain. 1 cup of coffee deoxygentates your brain up to 40%! It artificially tricks your brain to make you think you are not tired but it actually makes you more tired as well as causing waves of anxious energy to move through your body. Caffeine is also acidic which creates damaging conditions for your body and weakens the energy field. Not to mention the crash experienced once the effects wear off.

Caffeine was never intended by nature to stimulate the human nervous system but to actually act as a defence system to protect the plant from pests, by producing toxic caffeine as a natural pesticide. Sadly, most of the caffeine consumed by the world comes from plants in millions of hectares of monocultures, covered in artificial pesticides. This is completely unsustainable and is raping Mother Gaia. Everything is energy so you want to avoid consuming or supporting this extreme cost to the Earth.

Cut out completely or limit your caffeine intake, at least make sure it is organic, sustainably and ethically farmed. It may be difficult at first but you can get energy from other things that are much better for your health and frequency.

Natural diversity in the rainforest vs Monoculture- just to show you the unnatural and ugly impact of monoculture. Nature thrives with diversity!

Nicotine is similar to caffeine in that it is a stimulant but also has relaxing, numbing effects that are highly addictive. The stimulating effects induce an anxious state which is a low vibrational state of being. Also to mention the damaging impact it has on the lungs. The breath is the main way you charge your electromagnetism so if the lungs are damaged and you can’t take in the maximum potential of breath then your energy field will be weaker than what it should be naturally.

Alcohol is probably the WORST substance you can ingest for your energy field. Al-Kuhl is the Arabic word from which alcohol is derived. In its Arabic translation Al-Kuhl means: Body-Eating Spirit. Hence, the term ‘spirit’ in relation to strong alcohol. It massively opens up your energy field to external negative energies which attach to you and siphon your energy. Alcohol is such a low vibrational substance that even if you are super depressed it still lowers your vibration straight away because it poisons your mind, body and soul. No wonder it has been so culturalised and glamourised all over the world!

Blessing your food and water. When you send positive intention and energy to your food and water it increases their vibration which will increase yours when you consume them. Send love to the food while you are cooking as the food will take on that energy. Visualise the high vibrational light energy coming from your being and being absorbed by your food. This will not only raise the frequency of your food/water but also help you to exercise your metaphysical powers.

Magnified images of intentionally charged water, captured by Dr Masaru Emoto

4. Shadow Work

Our shadow self is anything that we are unaware of about ourselves, that which remains unconscious such as our feelings, needs, desires, fears and parts of ourselves that we conceal, reject or are ashamed of. This can also include the pieces of ourselves that we do not want to acknowledge or do not know how to integrate.

Shadow work, alongside meditation, is the most important and powerful spiritual practise that you can do as it increases self-awareness, consciousness and your vibration greatly. We walk around holding onto dense vibrational energy formed from unresolved emotions, get trapped in negative cycles of thinking and behaving in damaging ways we don’t innerstand our whole lives unless we revisit and enlighten these emotions and events causing the blockages within.

These heavy emotions act as a filter by which we perceive reality and if these filters are distorted then the perspective of reality will most likely be negative or even toxically positive. Shadow work helps to cleanse these filters helping us to observe, see more clearly from a higher perspective and thus raising our frequency.

If you want to learn more about shadow work and how to do it, then check out my article on ‘How to do Shadow Work’ where I give insights into themes that helped me as well as a guiding step by step process.


5. Love Frequency

There have been numerous studies about how love is powerfully healing. Unconditional love creates relaxation and a space for healing. Love sends messages to your cells to repair, rejuvenate and create. More points on your DNA strand get activated and more ‘junk’ genes are turned on which creates expansion in your energy field.

Connecting yourself to the unconditional love frequency on a daily, regular basis will raise your vibration. Spend more time throughout your day consciously thinking and feeling love. If done consistently then you will naturally begin to embody more love in your day to day life and make it a default mode.

Another way to feel love is by hugging, cuddling and spending quality time with friends, family, your partner and pets. This causes your brain to release the love hormone, oxytocin. Oxytocin enhances bonding with others, heals your heart and protects you from the detrimental effects of stress.

 Love is one of the highest vibrations in the universe so when you align yourself to its frequency you connect more with your true authentic self as well as the consciousness of the universe.

You can also switch it up and embody other high vibrational emotions such as faith, enthusiasm, acceptance, appreciation/gratitude, courage and joy. This can be done in meditation or in moments throughout the day.

6. Sungazing

The Sun is the powerhouse and source of all energy here on Earth. Through sungazing, we can harness the energy from the sun directly ourselves! When the sun is at its lowest in the sky during sunrise or sunset we can do this simply by looking into it with our eyes. At sunrise and sunset the UV index is at its lowest and so is safe to look at during these times.

During sungazing, sunlight comes into your eyes and charges up and activates your pineal gland. This causes your pineal gland to grow! The sunlight will begin to soothe you and make you feel energised, relaxing your mind and charging up your energy field. If done consistently the light will begin to activate DMT to be released by your pineal gland.

Start off with a couple of minutes/seconds or however long feels comfortable, do not exceed if it hurts your eyes. If it hurts when you look into the sun then this just means you need to acclimatise to the light and build up day by day getting used to it. You can always put your hand over one eye and swap them if looking with two eyes is too much. Alternatively, you can also sungaze with your eyes closed and feel the warmth and light on your forehead, activating your pineal gland but it is not as powerful as directly staring into the sun.

Sungazing is a form of meditation. Once you become used to the light from the sun you can sungaze for up to 30 minutes to an hour. The sun is very much alive and sentient. Give it love and appreciation while you gaze into it and it will help give you insights by stimulating your pineal gland, making you feel more connected to the universe.

7. Exercise

Physical exercise is a very powerful way to increase your vibration. It makes you feel strong, healthy and revitalised on all levels of your being. Through the endorphins that are released in your brain, exercising makes you feel good about yourself which is a high vibrational state. Exercise burns up any restless, negative energy that you are holding onto and sweating helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Exercise also improves sleep levels as your body is more tired from the workouts and sleeps more easily, giving your body more time to rest.

You could do any exercise that you vibe with the most such as going to the gym, high intensity sports or relaxing movement exercises such as Yoga or Qi Gong. You want your energy field and channels to be flowing harmoniously which is what exercise helps you to do. I always find my meditations are much more enhanced after exercising. 

8. Living your Divine Purpose

We ALL have a reason for being here. We each have our own Dharma to follow. Dharma is a law that governs the universe where by each individual has their own true path to serve themselves and others. Being on your Dharma is when you start living your highest potential, being your authentic and most powerful self to who you are and what you do in service to the world.

When you are not living your purpose the mind, body and soul tires as the heart is deeply unfulfilled. When you are aligned, you will feel magical and it will feel as though you were born to do this! You’ll wake up excited every single day to work on your mission and you will go to sleep at night thinking about it with hundreds of thoughts and ideas to continue onwards.

Our true purpose can be quite tricky to find because it really requires deep soul searching and to truly trust our authentic self to guide the way. A lot of fear and other conditional programming stops many from even coming close to living their Dharma. You’ve got to embody your inner Spiritual Warrior, break those chains and do not be afraid to shine bright with your mission, no matter what anyone else says or thinks about it.

Commit to finding your purpose according to your highest souls mission and unlock the blueprint of the wisdom of your soul by asking yourself these questions in meditation:

  • Who am I?
  • What is my purpose?
  • What does my mind obsess with?
  • What do I wish to know more of?
  • What change do I want to see in the world?
  • What is one thing I cannot ignore?
  • What lights up my heart?
  • What are my top 3 passions in life?
  • What is my deepest most essential passion?
  • What do I desire to accomplish and create?
  • How would I pursue my path?
  • If I had all the money in the world what would I spend my free time doing?
  • Who do I want to become?
  • What do I want my life to look like?

Think big. Know you are here to serve a huge role in shifting the consciousness of humanity.

You do not need to chase money, know that the universe will always provide on your Dharma and so expect the opportunities and abundance to just always be there. Everyday focus on your value, service and mission as an anchor point to launch yourself forwards. This will massively raise your vibration as you start to increase your self-worth. You will also grow to be more authentic, more able to give and more connected with the universal consciousness. This journey is about YOU discovering who you really are meant to be. You are a unique soul of loving powerful light here to make the world a better place.

Hope that you can have fun implementing these ways into your own life to raise and empower your frequency! If you need any help with any of these feel free to connect with me, I would be happy to offer you a counselling reading with spiritual life coaching 🙂

How to do Shadow Work

In this article I aim to guide you into how to do shadow work. I have breifly listed below some important themes that helped me as well as my own step by step process that works really well for me! I hope through my own experiences that this method can empower you with your own healing too 🙂

What is Shadow Work

Our shadow self is anything that we are unaware of about ourselves, that which remains unconscious such as our feelings, needs, desires, fears and parts of ourselves that we conceal, reject or are ashamed of. This can also include the pieces of ourselves that we do not want to acknowledge or do not know how to integrate.

Well over 70% of all our thoughts, words and actions are carried out by programs in our subconscious mind that were set during childhood, the environment and the society and culture we grew up in.

Shadow work is when we consciously gain access to our subconscious mind and listen to what message wants to come through. I would argue that shadow work alongside meditation is the most important and powerful spiritual practise that you can do as it increases self-awareness and consciousness greatly. We walk around holding onto dense vibrational energy formed from unresolved emotions, get trapped in cycles of thinking and behaving in ways we don’t understand our whole lives unless we revisit and enlighten these emotions and events causing the blockages within.

These heavy emotions act as a filter by which we perceive reality and if these filters are distorted then the perspective of reality will most likely be negative or even toxically positive. Shadow work helps to cleanse these filters helping us to observe and see more clearly from a higher perspective.

Each time you delve into your own subconscious, you basically become a detective and a truth seeker. There are so many clues and pieces of the puzzle that fit together to make up who you are. Exploring the internal world will help you to gain a deeper innerstanding of yourself and who you truly are. Shadow work takes courage but the more you practise and devote yourself to yourself on a regular basis the less your shadow self will have control over you and the more you become a master of your emotions. The more you step into the power your true authentic self.

Important things to know

Before beginning shadow work there are some important things to know to help you along your journey into the depths. A lot of sources online portray shadow work in a fluffy all ‘love and light’ way. In reality shadow work is intense and can be terrifying and painful. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed, confused, disorientated, frustrated, raw and broken. It can either make you feel more energised as you release heavy energy or make you want to stay in bed all day.

You may find from your shadow work process that you feel extreme emotions and are very anxious or depressed. Know these states were already within you and are surfacing because you are ready to innerstand them, take your time and be gentle with yourself. Dark, painful things will come up and you will feel as though you are taking huge steps back in your healing journey but really it means that you are ready for the realisations and transformation to heal them.

12 things I found significant on my own internal journey:

1. Ego vs Soul

The ego is your whole identity, who you think you are, your name, your physical body, your likes and dislikes, your cycles of behaviour, your programs. It is constantly running with thoughts, gets quickly agitated, is unstable and reactive. The ego is there for survival purposes, to protect you from danger. But sometimes it is too protective and causes us great suffering. We need to establish a healthy relationship with our ego to be more conscious and grounded in the physical reality as it essentially acts as a map that you use to interact with the world. For example, without a name how would anyone be able to get your attention or connect with you?

Differentiating between your ego and your soul is very helpful for shadow work. Your soul is a pure state of awareness, energy and stillness. Your soul is your divine authentic self. When you innerstand that you have an identity but that is not who you truly are, you can begin to let go of the dependence and identification with the ego which connects you more to your soul and authentic self. Your authentic self will help you with your shadow work way more than your ego ever could. The ego is finite and the soul is infinite.

A way to grasp this concept is by seeing your ego as the actor who plays the character in your life and the soul is the script writer of your life. When you are in your ego the character will ignore the script writer and play out the script it wants to, which is really just the script that was programmed into the character by the environment. When you connect more with your soul you are able to see things from a greater perspective and can start writing the script that you want your ego to play.

Mentally ask yourself whether you are feeding your ego or your soul. Try to feel the difference between these two perspectives. Your ego hates and does not want you to go into painful emotions. Your soul loves and wants you to feel everything deeply.

2. Ego Tricks

Your ego will do anything in its power to stop you from truly feeling those painful emotions because it perceives them as dangerous and wants to protect you. Some tricks it plays on you is blaming others, victimising yourself, guilt-tripping yourself or others, projecting your unprocessed emotions onto others, avoidance, narcissism, distractions such as food or fidgeting, boredom, lying to yourself, gas lighting yourself, shaming yourself or others and self-sabotage.

Try to learn more about these tac tics by researching them online if you are unsure of what they look like and how they show up in your own life. Being conscious of these will help you to identify if you are stuck in your ego state which will really help increase your self-awareness and healing.

Something to also be aware of is ego backlash. This is a normal ‘fight back’ process from your ego that happens when you start healing and transforming your traumas and heavy emotions. The ego is extremely resistant to change and so when you start to connect with your authentic self and align yourself with your divine purpose it will start lashing out towards you because it fears the changes. If you’ve been a certain way your whole life and you begin healing, it is likely your ego will try to pull you back into those old ways of being.

You may be doing consistent healing, eating healthier, keeping up with your spiritual practices and regularly connecting to nature yet still you find yourself being unhappy, depressed and basically just not feeling good in yourself. This can last for a few days or even a few months. Try not to control these emotional states, just observe and know that it is your ego backlashing and resisting the changes.

For me I kept getting caught up in cycles of self-sabotage, punishing self talk, depression and hopelessness. It takes time to transform these things but you will eventually have to confront these emotions, traumas and belief systems to take your power back from your ego.

3. Meditation and the Observer

Meditating connects us to the infinite stillness and energy of our soul which I mentioned above as the authentic self also known as the observer. Some call it the higher self but I personally prefer to say authentic self as the term higher self suggests of something outside of yourself, when really it is you. Meditation is extremely powerful alongside shadow work as it helps you to identify the ego because when you are in the observer state you can recognise and observe the ego program playing out.  Meditation also helps to improve your concentration levels and focus which is a skill that will make shadow work a lot easier for you.

For me currently, it takes about 25 minutes to truly still my mind during meditation because in that time my thoughts/ego are feeding me information about my past, my experiences, anxieties about the future, insecurities, beliefs I have about myself. However, depending on what I am going through on some days, being at peace within during meditation can take a longer or shorter amount of time than usual. Meditation is a skill to learn to observe the ego from the state of the soul without getting carried away by the internal chatter or identifying too much with the ego. Meditation will relax your brainwaves, your body and get you more in tune with your true nature and thus grant you more access to your subconscious.

4. An Emotional Ride

Feeling is the main component of shadow work. Emotions are energy. In our energetic field we have an emotional body which is where all the trauma and heavy emotional energy is stored. The only way to truly access and release them is to feel. When you tune into the feeling it unlocks more information to you. Information can come to you in the form of thoughts, feelings, memories, images, flashes, clarity or even just a knowing. This is why it is so important to get into the observer state because what comes up is mostly related to the feeling and is a message from your subconscious. It’s very healing when you can observe and be consciously aware of these clues to help with your detective work.

Notice where in your body the feeling comes from, the sensations of the feeling and identify what the feeling is. Bring your awareness to the feeling and tune into it just as a radio dial would tune into a specific channel. Your ego may try to work out what the feeling is cognitively or logically so watch out for that. Remember this is a feeling process so keep practising feeling into things. Your emotions should be leading the way and your thoughts will naturally follow.

Our emotions are layered so it is usually easier to start feeling into the top layers first and then the layers beneath those will be unlocked to you. This is done by tuning into whatever feeling is there presently. You can go into shadow work with a specific thing you want to innerstand more about such as how you feel about a particular person or event or you can go into it with pure curiosity not knowing what will come up. Even though the emotions may feel painful, no emotion can ever truly hurt you. If you are unable to determine what emotion is showing itself, keep feeling and tuning into it. It is important to be completely open to the emotion with non-judgement, compassion and acceptance so that it feels safe and secure and unlocks more information for you to follow to the root.

Sometimes you do not even have to do any detective work to release an emotion, just the act of feeling into where the pain is coming from is enough to release the emotion for good. You will feel it move up your chakras and out of your crown. That is how powerful this technique of truly feeling is. As long as you totally surrender to the feeling and let go of any resistance. Resistance feels like swimming against a strong current. When you let go and surrender you’ll flow with the current to where you need to be.

If you are stuck in the emotion or feel frustrated that you are unable to get more information about the emotion or you are overwhelmed by the emotion then you have to feel into the stuckness/block/frustration/overwhelm. For example, in my own shadow work process, I thought I was feeling into grief but I would get stuck there and I wouldn’t get any more information on this which would immensely frustrate me. I then really tuned into my feelings and realised that there was a level of frustration I felt towards myself for even being frustrated at all. So there was a layer of frustration over the frustration already there for having the grief in the first place. The ego may trick you into believing you are feeling an emotion but really you are just cognitively thinking you are. Thoughts are really helpful for us to connect to an emotion but thinking cannot release the trapped emotion, only feeling them can.

Another thing to be aware of is numbness, dissociation, distractions and forgetting what you are doing. In my own shadow work process I would occasionally dissociate when trying to go into something and then I would get so lost in my thoughts that I would forget that I was even doing shadow work. Know that when this happens you have probably hit a motherload, so stay as present as you can and patient with yourself until you can get underneath that layer of dissociation or numbness.

Some traumas come from many different times and events so have many layers. These can take more than one session to clear. So stay open and patient when you find something very big and heavy. Feelings such as anger, resentment, hate, annoyance, frustration tend to be in the higher layers and are there protecting you from having to feel those deeper layers which are perceived as too painful such as hopelessness, sadness, grief, loneliness, shame, abandonment, powerlessness etc. You’ve got to feel all the layers to release them so tell yourself you are brave and can do this.

5. Squeeze Mula Bandha

The Mula Bandha is also known as the root lock and is connected to your root chakra. Squeezing Mula Bandha is a technique widely used in Yoga but it is also very powerful when used during Shadow Work. This is because some of the deep fears and traumas cause us to come out of our body, dissociate or disconnect from any feeling present whatsoever. We want to feel deeply in Shadow Work and so a way to help us do this when we struggle to access the feelings is to ground ourselves back and be present within our body. When we activate Mula Bandha throughout the inner healing process it helps to bring us back to ourselves and to ground us, helping us to truly feel what is there.

It invovlves focusing on your root chakra, squeezing your genitals and anus while at the same time taking an inbreath pulling energy upwards then holding your breath. Hold the root lock and your breath for around 10 seconds or as long as you feel. This will redirect and pull energy up your spine and ground you into your body. Apply this technique as many times as you feel during your Shadow Work process or whenever you are finding it difficult to feel deeply into an emotion/time in your life.

6. Emotional Release

The most powerful emotional release is crying. Crying is so incredibly healing so if you ever feel the need then let it out. As emotions correspond to water this is literally your body releasing those emotions. Suppressing any crying can cause more blocks.

In my shadow work process I actually had a massive block to crying which caused so much frustration and annoyance with myself. After getting past those layers and being more accepting and kinder to myself the deeper layers showed me times in my childhood where I was told off for crying and I learnt from a young age not to cry in front of other people as I felt too vulnerable. It took me some time to even feel comfortable crying in front of my boyfriend. The frustration and annoyance I directed towards the block was protecting me from feeling that vulnerability I/my ego did not wish to feel. As well feeling into the vulnerability, I took my inner child to my created inner safe space and comforted her, letting her know that she is safe to cry with me, listened to her needs and validated her emotions.

You can also release the emotions through laughter, screaming, moving, dancing and shaking. Or any other way you find that helps you to release.

7. A Safe Space

Create a place in your minds eye that you can go to whenever you are carrying out shadow work. Some of the traumas and emotions we go through make us feel very vulnerable and unsafe. Creating a place where you feel good, comfortable, safe and relaxed will help you to open up knowing that nothing in there can ever harm you.

This also helps to exercise your third eye as you use your imaginary and visualisation skills which will help you to connect more with your authentic self. Get as detailed and as creative as you want!

Here is where you connect with your authentic self but you can also bring your inner child and characters from your life here to talk to them. If you are dealing with unmet needs from childhood then meet those needs for your child self in your safe space. For example, say you grew up in a family with not much money and money was a constant stress and you as a child rarely got any treats or presents, then take your child self shopping where they can have anything they want, let them choose and spoil them. Or say as a child you grew up lonely and your family did not play with you much. Bring them to your safe space if thats what they want and play with them yourself or a loving character that they feel safe around. Or introduce them to an imaginary character that will always be there with them outside of the safe space to play whenever they want. Here we are healing and transforming unhealthy core beliefs that the child has around certain things that were brought into adulthood and currently is causing stress and suffering.

8. Aspects

Our consciousness has been fragmented from childhood and so we have many different sides to us. Some we accept and some we reject. These aspects are created when for example, our parent or caregiver tells us that something we are doing is wrong and as a child we take it as ‘I am wrong’. So we reject and push that part of ourselves away in order to survive and to get love and support from the parent. When we can bring awareness to the different aspects, we can communicate with them and find out what their wants and needs are. A lot of the time the aspects will have different needs and may be opposing and arguing with one another.

An amazing technique is to identify as many of your different aspects as you can that you feel are involved in a situation you want to enlighten. You may have 2 or you may have well over 20 or more. Bring them all to your internal safe space and create a heartfelt sharing circle. You are your authentic self playing the role of peace maker and mediating between them. Take into account and listen to each one of them. Make each and every one of them feel safe, heard, loved, validated and accepted. This helps you to feel more whole and grounded when you make peace between your aspects.

What really deepened my shadow work to another level was taking everyone in my reality as an aspect of myself. This really helped me to innerstand that we are all connected and everyone has something to show you about yourself no matter who comes into your reality. There were many people who I struggled to accept and give love to but now I realise I was only really struggling to accept and give love to that part of myself that I saw in them.

You can try out this shift in perspective for yourself, depending on how much self-truth you can really handle, because this for sure keeps you ego in check. Write out a list of all the negative traits in a person you struggle to accept and then do the same but positive traits in someone you admire and look up to. The negative list is really a list of the traits you dislike and struggle to accept within yourself, your shadow, and the positive list are the traits you desire to have within yourself but already are within, also your shadow.

9. Ancestral Emotions

I believe that it is important to mention that not all the emotions, thoughts and behaviours you have come from just you and the life you have lived. Some get passed down to you through your DNA. Basically any traumas that your parents, grandparents etc suppressed and did not deal with gets passed down for the next generation to heal or the cycle continues. Knowing about what my ancestors went through has really helped me to heal many traumas and heavy emotions as well as tapping into my gifts and strengths.

For example, I am half Irish and had ancestors that survived the potato famine, my grandma was Austrian and lived in Austria during the Second World War where rations were scarce. I had a deep sense of insecurity of not having enough food and almost feeling ‘irrationally’ desperate if I felt that the food stock was lacking. Luckily, I always had enough and never truly felt what starvation was like but I was still terrified by having to feel it. When I tapped into what was stored in my energy field and felt the pain of the starvation that my ancestors experienced, I cried a lot and released much emotion. It was very heavy and intense but I came out of it feeling way less afraid of food scarcity as well as taking on their strength and endurance with me.

10. Triggers

Even though triggers at the time can feel like the most intense and worst thing ever, they are actually gold nuggets within your psyche that you want to look out for. Triggers literally act as a key into parts of your subconscious that you would otherwise struggle to gain access to.

When they come up or you are out the other side of a trigger, make a mental note to go back into what happened. Being more optimistic and curious about your triggers will really improve the relationship you have with yourself as you get to know yourself better. Triggers really are your allies on the internal journey.

11. Embody your Authentic Self

When going into shadow work it is essential to embody your authentic self as much as you can. Your authentic self accepts and loves you unconditionally and wants to mother and nurture you as you go through the process. Bring in these attributes your soul embodies during shadow work:

  • Self-compassion- in order to truly feel and release the emotion you must be unconditionally accepting and loving towards yourself and all your aspects, especially the parts of you that you have labelled as ‘bad’ or ‘unworthy’.
  • Empathy-is a mega cheat code to innerstanding yourself, others and the world on a deeper level
  • Acceptance– you must accept everything that comes up otherwise there will be resistance and you will be unable to release the emotion
  • Non-judgement– be conscious of your thoughts, emotions and sensations with complete openness. Know that every aspect of yourself is necessary and divine
  • The Observer– you are connected to your authentic self and you are able to witness your thoughts in a neutral, non-judgemental and non-attached state. Moment by moment you observe and accept all sensations, emotions and thoughts as something that is not who you truly are
  • Self-truth– be completely honest with yourself about how you truly feel no matter how shameful or upsetting.
  • Responsibility– to take responsibility for your actions and how that may impact yourself and others, to admit you were in your ego and not blaming others
  • Patience– take your time with this process, rushing or being in a ‘get it done’ mind set will take you out of the present moment and disconnect you from really feeling, make the time for yourself so you can be as relaxed as possible
  • Curiosity– being curious about discovering more about yourself will help to motivate and keep you excited about shadow work. You are now a truth seeker and want to get to the truth of who you are.

12. Consistency is Key

You will get the most out of shadow work by keeping up a regular practise. Healing takes place over a lifetime in a spiral motion. Things will cycle back around for deeper innerstanding and healing. Each time you level up. You do not want things to all come up at once because it would just be way too intense and at best you would end up in a psychiatric hospital. You want things to come up little by little so that you can take your time integrating and transforming these emotions, making sense and use of them.

For me, whenever a feeling comes up or I get triggered I try my best to feel into it straight away. This is really because my sensitivity to my own emotions is so high now that I struggle to function if not dealt with ASAP. Usually I will do shadow work as soon as I wake up when I remember my dreams which give me helpful insights or before going to sleep as my consciousness is naturally more connected to my subconscious at those times.

Shadow work is a process that takes time and the more you practice the better you will get. Try to make it a daily practice. Stay consistent with it and you will for sure begin to connect to yourself on a much deeper level.

How I do Shadow Work

Here are some steps I take in my own shadow work process that may be helpful for you. You may find that once you use these steps, you will experiment and tweak them for whatever suits you best. Let your intuition guide you. I either lie down on my bed or go sit by a tree in nature (weather depending). Sometimes I journal as I’m doing the process either on my laptop or diary but usually I prefer to do this after to help integrate what came up for me.


1. Find a place where you can relax fully and be in your own energy, where you will not be disturbed and are in no rush. Make sure you have some tissues next to you as you may feel the need to cry at any point during this process.

2. Set an intention that you will connect with your true authentic self to help guide you through whatever comes up. Intend that you will stay strong and be there for yourself no matter what. Intention is so powerful so remember this step.


3. Lie down in Savasana Yoga pose (corpse pose). Or sit where you feel comfortable. You want your body language to be as open as possible as this helps with the unlocking of and flow of blocked energy through your chakras.


4. Stay in this position for at least 10 minutes relaxing, meditating, regulating your breathing and calming down your nervous system as this will help you better gain access to your subconscious. I highly recommend breathing into your belly as much as you can for the duration of the process. The in breath your diaphragm and belly should naturally be pushed out and on the out breath your diaphragm and belly should fall inwards towards your spine. Belly breathing deeply relaxes you as well as activates your pineal gland which will be very helpful during your healing practise.


5. Once you feel more relaxed, go to your internal safe space where you can meet with your authentic self.

6. Know that you are not alone. Your true authentic/observer self is there to guide and nurture you just as a loving mother would to their child. They love and accept you unconditionally no matter what and you may communicate with them through feelings, a knowing, hearing, seeing or embodying them. Know that your authentic self is who you truly are. You are essentially guiding yourself through this process. You heal yourself.

7. Now you are aware of being fully supported by your authentic self and feel safe with them in your safe space, feel deeply into whatever emotion presents itself to you or say a trigger word of something you want to innerstand more and observe what comes up.

8. Examine the emotion. Where in your body is this feeling present? Can you identify which emotion it is? Does it feel heavy/ tight/tense/stiff/contracted/weighing on you/twisting/pulling your body in a certain way/make you want to close down? Really feel into the energy and the sensations. What motion is the energy taking?


9. Talk to your authentic self about what you are feeling and thinking. Ask questions such as what do you need, how I can help heal you, where did you come from, who caused this and any other questions you feel to ask and you will receive answers. Keep asking ‘Why?’

10. Allow yourself to feel. How do you feel about the feeling itself? Are you accepting of it or are you annoyed/judgemental towards it? If there is not acceptance then there will be resistance and you will not be able to release the energy. Surrender to and embrace the feeling. Bring it in and want to feel into it. Remember to breathe deeply and slowly into your belly and keep your entire body fully relaxed. Resistance creates tension and blocks so try to find out why it is there.

11. Remember to squeeze Mula Bandha if you are struggling to feel the emotion.


12. If a feeling comes up and it is too painful to deal with, completely relax your whole entire body and breathe deeply, telling yourself that you are strong and can handle anything that comes up, remember that the feeling cannot really hurt you. Your ego tricks you into thinking the emotion will cause too much pain as it is programed to protect you but your authentic self can handle it.


13. Bring up that same painful feeling again and relax into it fully. Keep bringing up the feeling and relaxing any tensions it creates, each time it will get better and easier when you bring up the emotion. This is to rewire your brain so that now you associate the painful emotion with relaxation and without tension.


14. If the feeling really is too much then I would suggest lying down on your front. This will put your body weight onto the area the feeling is coming from and will help you to cope with the intensity of it better.


15. Bring in the light. Talk to your past self and help them to process what happened. Make them feel validated, accepted and loved. Let them know you are there for them. If any other characters are involved such as aspects or people then bring them into the safe space, if it feels safe and try to innerstand from their perspective with the empathy and compassion of your authentic self, knowing that they are a part of you.

16. Stay with the process for as long as you feel.

17. No matter how you think the process went, cheer yourself for even trying, really give praise to yourself and let yourself know that you are proud of yourself for taking the steps inwards. This step helps you to build up love, worth and validation in yourself.

18. Write out or meditate on your experiences after to help integrate what came up and how you felt. You may feel raw afterwards but do not worry this is a normal part of healing so go easy on yourself. A physical wound can still hurt even when its healing, the same applies to emotional wounds.

19. Write out a checklist/mentally note and mark off how well you applied these attributes (a-c) on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being that you struggled to tap into this frequency and 5 being that you embodied this frequency. This will help you to stay conscious during shadow work and rewire your default mode to fully embody these attributes.


a) Compassionate

b) Non-judgemental

c) The Observer

I hope that this article can help you in your own journey of self-discovery. Shadow work can be scary but also so rewarding when you begin to connect more with your true nature as you will become way more in tune with yourself and your feelings.

When you take the leap to discover what’s within, I am proud of you and congratulate you for wanting to know and heal yourself because it takes true bravery to go into things the programming within you does everything it can to stop you from doing so. Working on yourself is the most selfless thing you can do because it enables you to rise above the programs, shine your light brighter and to be there more for others and the world.

If you want any help with your own shadow work process then you can connect with me and I can aid you through the steps via video call.